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Love in the Time of Corona- Part II- Social Distancing

Antarctica is the Only Place on Earth without the Corona Virus… So penguins don’t have to practice Social Distancing. However, we do. WE CARE ABOUT YOU, OUR VALUED CLIENTS, AND OUR […]

Love in the Time of Coronavirus (Part I)

Over the past few weeks we have all received instructions on how to best wash our hands to stop the spread of the Corona virus.  We’ve turned on the taps […]

Corona Virus Poses Additional Hazards

As if being quarantined

It National Love Your Lawyer Day!

  Today is “Love Your Lawyer Day,” and unlike many of the other special interest holidays, this one was not created as a Hallmark Moment. How do I know? Well, […]

Going it alone…But on your honeymoon?

Marriage is supposed to be the beginning of a life together, and a honeymoon, traditionally, was the start of that togetherness. Enter the “Unimoon,” a post marriage vacation taken…alone. Ponder how a couple who cannot reach a consensus on where they want to go on their first trip after marriage will deal with more pressing decisions in life… like what movie to see or where to eat dinner!