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parenting plans & timesharing

Parenting Plans/Time Sharing (Child Custody)

When children are involved in a family law case, this quickly becomes the most important issue. Whether the issue is time sharing (Florida no longer calls it “custody”) or parental decision making, the Law Firm of Cindy S. Vova, P.A. ensures that your children’s best interest are protected.

Not that long ago, the courts, and indeed parents, assumed that the mother of a child would be the “primary residential” or “custodial” parent. Fortunately, Florida law evolved where now there is a presumption that both parents are equally qualified to care for their children. Now a 50/50 timesharing plan is more the norm than the exception. However, when circumstances such as substance dependency, work schedules, or abusive relationships exist, the Law Firm of Cindy S. Vova, P.A. works tirelessly to ensure that your children’s safety and well being is protected.

The law requires that parents present a suggested parenting plan to the court, done either individually or collectively. The plan incorporates not only a proposed time sharing and holiday schedule, but delegation of other parental responsibilities, including transporting the children, selecting alternative caregivers, extracurricular activities, medical care and making other major decisions affecting the children’s lives. We do our best so that a collaborative parenting plan containing both parents’ input, and, consequently, taking into consideration the best interest of the children, is ultimately presented to the court. We ensure that all of your concerns regarding the children are understood and communicated, and then help you fashion the proper plan for your family. This process may involve the assistance of a guardian ad litem, a court appointed individual who, in essence, becomes the voice of the children to the judge, as well as a psychologist or a parenting coordinator. Our firm ensures that all of these options are explained to you so that you can make an uniformed decision as to whether one of these professionals is right for your case. buy Pregabalin online A sample parenting plan is available here.

The Law Firm of Cindy S. Vova, P.A. firmly believes that children are entitled to both a mother and a father, and that each parent makes an important, and sometimes different, contribution to their children’s lives. That the parents do not reside in the same home should not prohibit the children from maintaining a loving relationship with each parent. Our ultimate goal is to create an environment where your children thrive, and the children maintain a loving and caring relationship with both parents long after the divorce or paternity case is over.

Call us at 954 . 316 . 3496, email us at, or Click Here to see how our firm can help you.