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Marital Problems?
Let's Discuss Your Options.

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After the court entered your final judgment or you signed a settlement agreement, you thought that all issues were resolved. However, that final judgment was entered into some time ago and some things have changed…you lost a job; your former spouse’s income doubled; your children’s needs increased. These situations and many more may give you the legal right to file a Modification Petition with the Court.

Countless changes in one’s life situation may warrant a modification of a prior judgment. Although there are many instances where an agreement is not modifiable, such as equitable distribution or where something is specifically delineated as “non-modifiable,” our firm will analyze your prior judgment or agreement – and help you determine if a modification is appropriate for you. In so doing, we will explore the specific facts and circumstances of the changes that might necessitate or warrant a modification. With nearly 30 years of expertise, we will assist you in determining if  a modification petition is appropriate . Our goal is to ensure that you take the right course of action at the right time.

Child Support Modification

Has it been a long time since the amount of child support was established in your case? Have you lost your job or had a pay cut ? Does your children’s other parent earn substantially more than that parent earned at the time child support was established? Are you spending more time with your children than your original agreement contemplated, or is that time at least 20 percent of the overnights (73 nights) nights per year? Any one of these circumstances, and countless more, may warrant a modification of child support, either upwards or downwards. Recent changes in the child support guidelines have, in effect, lowered child support in most instances.

Call us at 954 . 316 . 3496, email us at, or Click Here see if your children may be entitled to receive more support, or whether you are overpaying your obligation.