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A Law Firm Concentrating solely on Family Law and Focusing on Your Family

Cindy Vova has 29 years of legal experience behind her, but she also understands that each client and family is unique and the firm’s services are tailored to your particular situation…we do not apply a cookie cutter approach. Rather, we take a holistic approach to the family as a whole.




Whereas child support is based on specific guidelines established by Florida law, alimony awards remain less predictable. At its essence, alimony is based…

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Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage

Contested and uncontested/simple and complex. When a couple determines that their marriage is at an end, and divorce is the only alternative, then the…

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Child Support

Child Support

Establishment, Enforcement and Modification. In you have children under 18, whether unmarried or divorcing, the child support is, with rare exception, a…

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Child Custody

Time sharing & parenting plans (“Child custody”)

When children are involved in a family law case, this quickly becomes the most important issue. Whether it is time sharing (Florida no longer calls it “custody”)…

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When the court entered a final judgment or you signed a settlement agreement a few years ago, you thought that all issues were resolved. However, that…

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Paternity actions legally establish the parent-child relationship as well as determine the benefits and burdens that come with parenthood. Any time a child…

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Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

It is easy to overlook the fact that though marriage is based on a romantic relationship, it is also an economic partnership, and many rights and duties arise…

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If the custodial parent has threatened to move away with your children, I can help you with enforcement of court orders to prevent the action. By demonstrating…

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Domestic Violence

Domestic violence

Without recognition of same sex marriages in Florida, same sex couples may find themselves without many of the legal rights enjoyed by married couples. Nonetheless…

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Property division or equitable distribution

Property division or equitable distribution

Almost without exception, divorce cases involve property division of all marital assets (ie: bank accounts, stock accounts, real property, retirement accounts…

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Adoption-step parent and third party

Adoption-step parent and third party

From our initial contact with the prospective parents, to the delivery of the child, until the festive day when the Final Judgment of Adoption is signed by…

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Collaborative law

Collaborative law

An alternative method to the traditional divorce trial, the process seeks to circumvent the typical adversarial aspects of divorce, and use an integrated and…

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We know that the best resolution of any conflict involving parents, families and spouses is a resolution that the parties themselves agree upon without the…

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Same Sex Separation

Domestic Partnerships & Same Sex Separation

Without recognition of same sex marriages in Florida, same sex couples may find themselves without many of the legal rights enjoyed by married couples. Nonetheless…

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