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Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law

Most family law cases should not end up in court with a judge deciding the outcome. If both parties, from the beginning, desire to work together towards a fair settlement, then the collaborative law process may be a good option.

The concept of “Collaborative Law” began in the 1980’s in Wisconsin as an alternate method to the traditional divorce trial. The process seeks to circumvent the typical adversarial aspects of divorce, and use an integrated and cooperative approach to resolve cases.

The process begins by the parties and their respective counsel signing a Participation Agreement that both they and their respective counsel agree to work together toward an amicable and fair resolution. During the process no court case is filed, and therefore, there are no deposition and no court hearings. All procedures are done through mutual cooperation, including agreements to voluntarily produce all necessary documents. When experts such as appraisers, accountants or psychologists are needed, the parties, with the assistance of counsel, select one professional who, in keeping with the collaborative philosophy, works with both parties in settling the case. During the process, the parties and their respective attorneys work together in resolving their case. Parties who chose the collaborative process understand that working together with a common goal to reduce animosity, expedite resolution and contain costs is their principal goal. Once a resolution is reached, then only one uncontested hearing is required before the Court.

During your initial consultation, our firm helps you evaluate whether the collaborative process is suited to your particular case. Ms.Vova joined the Collaborative Family Lawyers of South Florida, Inc. in 2005, and can answer all of your questions about the process. To learn more about the Collaborative process, check out its website at:

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