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Areas of Law

Collaborative Family Law

Better Alternatives-Better Solutions

A courtroom should be the last place a family goes to resolve a case.

Since Florida family law cases are not heard before a jury, when you go to court a single judge decides the outcome of the case, and the fate of you, your children and your property.

Our firm understands the stress that divorce and family law litigation cause our clients, and that is why we began participating in the collaborative family law process shortly after it made its debut in Florida. Collaborative Family Law is a peaceful alternative to litigation. It provides an excellent option to circumvent the typical adversarial aspects of divorce, and uses an integrated and cooperative approach to resolving cases.

During your initial consultation, our firm helps you evaluate whether the collaborative process is suited for your particular case. Ms. Vova joined the Collaborative Family Law Professionals of South Florida, Inc. in 2005, and can answer all of your questions about the process.

If both parties, from the beginning, desire to work together towards a fair settlement, then the Collaborative Law Process may be a good option.

Some of the advantages of the Collaborative Process is that it is entirely confidential, and as such it is especially well suited for high-net-worth individuals, high-profile individuals, families with minor children, and anyone who desires to keep their personal affairs private. It can be used to resolve a number of family law matters including:

  • Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage.
  • Establishment of Paternity, including timesharing and child support.
  • Modification of Existing Orders/Agreements including:
    • Alimony
    • Timesharing
    • Child support
    • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement

In order for the Collaborative Process to be effective, both parties must be dedicated to seeking an out-of-court solution. Our clients who choose this process and our firm sign a “Participation Agreement” pledging that they agree to work together toward an amicable and fair resolution.

Initially, we work with our client and the opposing counsel and party to establish the collaborative “team.” The “team members” vary based on the individual needs of the parties, but always includes a mental health professional, who acts as a facilitator. The team may also include a financial neutral such as a forensic accountant and/or financial planner, real property appraisers, and business valuation experts if warranted.

The process consists of a series of team meetings, where we develop an agenda summarizing the issues to be discussed at a specific meeting. At the end of every meeting, each party may be assigned particular tasks, such as providing additional documentation, in advance of the next meeting, allowing the process to move efficiently and effectively toward a resolution

In an effective collaborative process, once a collaborative agreement is reached and the parties execute an agreement, a Final Judgment is submitted to the Court and the agreement becomes valid and binding on the parties. Your appearance before the Court for the entry of the final judgment will be the only time you will go to Court.

Call the law firm of Cindy S. Vova, P.A. at 954 – 316 – 3496 or email us at , or Click Here to learn more about the Collaborative process.


  • Each party has an attorney.
  • Case stays out of court.
  • Uses neutral experts vs. adversarial experts.
  • “Team” approach.

If you have a question, comment, or concerns, call us at one of the numbers below or email us at