The Supreme Court decision on gay marriage
- 26 June 2015
- Cindy Vova
The Supreme Court decision on gay marriage
IT’S OFFICIAL! The United States Supreme Court just issued its 103 page long awaited opinion in the Obergefell v. Hodges case, holding that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “requires a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex ( Gay Marriage) and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of State.”
In a 5-4 decision (remarkably close, I must say, and surprising as to some of the pros and cons), the Supreme Court closed up the various holes that existed and now has determined that the law of same sex marriage must be applied equally throughout the Country.
As an attorney, candidly I am relieved that we finally have some consistency, and I marvel at how, after over 200 years since it was drafted, our Constitution continues to be a living and breathing documents that adapts to the changing times.
As an American, I take comfort and pride in the fact that we continue to move (sometimes more slowly than others) toward putting substance behind that Pledge of Allegiance I said every morning in school, of a nation….”with liberty and justice for all.”
And, no matter what side of the decision you may be on, please also remember that our First Amendment still gives you freedom of speech to voice your opinion without censorship. Let’s all be thankful that we live in the United States of America….and for same sex couples, the US now truly is “united.”
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